Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Next Sketch Group This Saturday

Saturday, December 4, 10am
meet at Bluff City Coffee, 505 S. Main
  • The St. Jude Marathon is that day, so I suggest taking Southern to Lamar to avoid getting caught in marathon traffic. See the marathon route here, and see a map with the suggested detour below - click on it to make it larger.
  • We'll walk around South Main and sketch - bundle up! The second map below shows a few of the great sketchable landmarks. And anyone who is interested can stay for lunch at the Arcade.
  • Bonus! The Christmas parade is at 5pm on South Main from Central Station to the Orpheum - if you are interested, meet back up at the same spot around 4:30 for more sketching!


  1. I have good intentions of wanting to come, but I'm running the st. jude 1/2 marathon, and I fear i'll be too tired. The race starts at 8AM, so i don't think i'd make it to meet ya'll until after 11am. I'm sorry I will miss it - being an architect sketching buildings are of great interest to my nerdiness! Have fun, and I hope I can make the January Sketch!
    BJ Agnew

  2. I will be there.. After not being there for two months :)

  3. I'm afraid I won't make it this time. Need to put some finishing touches on some work for the Brooks Art Bazaar this Sunday. Look forward to seeing the sketches posted and see you January.

  4. Hope y'all can make it next time. We'll be meeting on January 8th - location to be determined so check back!
